
Wedding Videography: The Top 20 Questions to Ask

Discover the top 20 questions to ask your wedding videographer before hiring them for your special day. From availability to pricing and style.

When it comes to meeting your videographer for the first time it can sometimes feel a little dauntng, chances are you've not done this before so what are the questions you should ask, and why?

1.Are you available on our wedding date?

It’s a simple question, but one that’s often overlooked. Always start by asking if the wedding videographer is available on your wedding day. it’s awful having your heart set on a certain videographer, spending time talking with them to find they're already booked up.

2.How much do you cost?

Again this should be a question you should ask from the get-go and we won’t be offended. We fully understand that weddings both big and small all have budgets.

I personally have my wedding videograph packages available on the website, but I also offer bespoke wedding videography packages because I know it’s not a one-size-fits-all and we can work with each other around budgets.

3.Can I see your previous work?

This should be simple enough as most wedding videographers will have examples on their website, a YouTube channel or social media platforms. If they don’t have anything easily available for you to view just drop a quick message to ask.

Viewing their previous work gives you an idea of their natural style and the quality of their work. They may even give you some information on what package the couple chose so you have a good comparison idea.

4.Can I see reviews from your previous clients?

Hopefully your wedding videographer has lots of happy clients. Ask to see testimonials and reviews, you may even be able to talk to a previous client.

I always strive to produce something i’m proud of and my couples love so I’m more than happy to show off my reviews.

5.Whats your style of wedding videography?

This is a slightly trickier one, where I always try to match my style to that of my clients wishes we all have a natural style.

Mine personally is cinematic wedding videography, this means I craft a beautiful story of your wedding day and put it to music you may find some wedding videographers have a more documentary style.

6. What is your wedding videography background and experience?

Again this is a useful thing to know, remember that a wedding videographer who’s just starting out may not have acres of wedding experience but you should be able to get an idea of the quality of their productions and their previous work experience.

Remember a lot of us, myself included, probably had a day job before taking the leap into self-employed life. See if their previous jobs had a crossover or if their hobby has become their main income ask to see examples of work. Even if a wedding videographer doesn’t have lots of previous wedding videos you’ll be able to get an idea of ability from their other video productions.

Similarly, if someone has been in the business a long time, they should have a huge back catalogue of work that they can show you.

7.What equipment do you use?

Such an important question to ask and one that is often overlooked. Please ask this, and whilst you may have no idea what a certain type of camera is a quick Google should tell you enough. Any wedding videographer or wedding photographer will not be using a camera that costs £200 from Amazon.

And please check they're not just planning on using a go-pro or an iPhone!!

8.How many weddings have you filmed?

This question is very much about finding out about experience.

It’s important to remember that someone who is just starting out may only have filmed a handful of weddings - people take time to build trust and are less likely to go with someone new than someone with a lot of experience, however, this should be reflected in pricing. Don’t pass up a newcomer if they seem right, quality should always trump quantity.

If a wedding videographer has been in business for years and has only filmed a handful of weddings, well, there might be a reason for that too…

9.What exactly will you film on the day?

Get a clear idea of what will be filmed on the day and also what you want filmed. Some couples want everything from getting ready to last carriages and others only want their vows recorded.

If it’s not clear from the wedding videography packages, make sure you ask exactly what is recorded and be honest about your personal requirements . All of my films have a full family edit as standard, this includes your vows and speeches filmed in full on high-quality documentary-grade audio equipment.

it’s also useful to let your wedding videographer know of any key moments or people you would like filmed. It helps us to build a timeline in our head of what we need to capture.

10.How long will it take to get my finished wedding video?

This is almost always available in your wedding videographers Terms and Conditions but it’s still an important one to ask.

Whilst editing is a lengthly process and your videographer is likely to have more than one edit to work on at a time, a realistic turnaround time should be available and should mean you won’t still be chasing your completed video in 6 months time.

11.How do you record audio of my wedding?

Please make sure to ask this. If your videographer is solely relying on the audio available on their camera it could well mean you cannot hear key parts clearly.

Decent audio equipment is essential for hearing vows and speeches clearly. Look to see if they use lapel mics, shotgun mics or have any separate audio equipment.

12.How do you back-up my wedding video?

Double-check this with your videographer to understand how and where your video is stored. Whilst you’ll receive a copy of your completed film it’s important to know if backup is available should your copy fail.

Bonus question - How long do you store my wedding video for?

This ties in with the above question. See how long videos are stored for should you require another copy further down the line.

13.Can I make changes once I’ve seen the first edit?

A very important question to ask, lets face it no-one wants to receive a wedding video they don’t like. It’s good practice to be allowed a second edit after you’ve seen the first one and any good wedding videographer will fully expect some changes and will probably even ask you if there are any changes you would like made.

However, if you turn out to be Bridezilla and are still requesting changes after 30 edits and drafts there’s a high chance we won’t be so accommodating. Check clearly what revisions you are allowed to make and also the time frame you can make these within.

14.Will I incur any additional charges?

In my personal opinion, there is nothing worse than paying for a service to find the price you see isn’t actually the price you pay. We’ve all been there, the deals that look great on the surface and incur hidden costs.

My advice, ask your videographer if there is any additional costs.

With me, my wedding videography package prices are clearly shown and this is exactly what you pay. I do have additional services, at additional costs, but these are only if you choose them and are clearly shown in your invoice.

15.What music will you use in my video?

Please please please double-check this one and I can’t stress this enough. If the videographer you are asking says they’ll use any music you want or provide there is a massive risk that your video will be removed for copyright violation.

Music is subject to copyright and whilst you may want your favourite Beyonce track overplayed it’s unlikely you or I will be able to seek the necessary permission to use this. Unless of course Beyonce is a personal friend!!

I have a seemingly infinite amount of music at my disposal, all with the necessary licensing, so whatever your taste I can find music to fit, but also trust me to make a decision, music is an integral part of the storytelling process.

16.Have you worked with my photographer before?

Whilst not essential it’s always nice to know if the videographer and photographer have worked together before. If they’ve got a good working relationship then you’ll get the best out of both of them. And if they haven’t, well…..

It also gives me a chance to reach out to your photographer and introduce myself if we don’t already know one another, I always like to know of any important shots they need to get. The last thing you or they need is me tying my shoelace in the background of the “perfect” shot!

17.Are you insured?

You absolutely MUST ask this. The risks of using an uninsured videographer, photographer, florist or anyone to do with your wedding suppliers does not even bare thinking about.

Check they also have the necessary type of insurance.

I am fully insured and hold the highest level of CRB check available.

18.Have you worked at my venue before?

Having previous experience of a venue can be useful, though not essential. it might just mean I already know where it’s best to stand to get a shot of the bride entering the church or the exact amount of time I need to leap in my car and get from the church to the reception venue.

It may also mean I know the team there and their rules and regulations.

If I don’t already know the venue, point me in the right direction and be confident that i’ll make all the necessary enquiries.

19.What exactly do I get for my money?

Just like cost and additional charges be clear on what you are getting for your money. Ask for a breakdown of what is included in the wedding videography package if it is not clear and remember to double-check anything you are unsure about.

20.How do I book?

And finally, please make sure you ask this simple question. it’s highly unlikely your wedding videographer will book your date without taking a deposit to secure it. Check with them about their booking conditions.


I hope this helps, but if you've got any other questions feel free to drop me a message and i'll be happy to answer!

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